Specialized Treatment for Justice Involved Individuals

Partners Behavioral Healthcare is a leader in delivering programming specific to justice involved individuals. We are proud to be one of the only providers in the State of Minnesota to offer cognitive behavioral interventions in conjunction with substance use disorder treatment.

Our Intensive Outpatient Programs offer up to 30 hours of in person programming each week. 80% of programming is evidence based and includes Decision Points, Trauma, Illness Management & Recovery (IMR) and Moral Reconation Therapy (MRT).

Decision Points curriculum meets corrections requirements individuals often need to complete upon release. Counselors are clinically trained by a licensed instructor through Decision Points authors, LLC. Decision Points Authors LLC provide an evidence-based correctional program constructed to address offender risk, needs, and responsivity.

Decision Points is an open-entry cognitive behavior intervention program designed for populations in contact with the justice system. The program is built on the principle of the Strategy of Choices, and equips participants with alternative ways to examine their thinking and the related actions that lead them into trouble.

The program can be delivered as both a brief intervention and a more intensive intervention with extended program length.

Decision Points has been pilot tested and implemented with groups in a range of correctional settings.

Authors of Decision Points include Juliana Taymans, Ph.D., Jack Bush, Ph.D., and Steven Swisher, M.Ed, MS, nationally known for their program development of Thinking for a Change, along with Charles Robinson, who has worked in probation services at the federal and county levels.