Moral Reconation Therapy is a branch of Risk-Need-Responsivity Programming that addresses cognitive reasoning in the process of making decisions.
MRT is structured around 16 steps that focus on 7 main issues:
- Beliefs, attitudes and behavior
- Assessment of current relationships
- Reinforcement of positive behavior and habits
- Positive identity formation
- Enhancement of self-concept
- Decrease in hedonism (pleasure vs. pain) and development of frustration tolerance
- Development of higher stages of moral reasoning
MRT is conducted in groups and are administered by MRT-Certified facilitators.
Research on MRT has shown that as clients pass steps, moral reasoning increases and participants have lower recidivism rates.
80% of programming is evidence based and includes Decision Points, Trauma, Anger Management, Illness Management & Recovery (IMR) and Moral Reconation Therapy (MRT)